Stop Struggling With

"What The Heck Is Wrong With My Ads?" Syndrome
And Discover The Secret To Finally Getting Results With Your Ads
Unlock Our Step-by-Step, Ad-Fixing Treasure Map With...

(Ad)lantis... the only affordable ads solution that contains not one, not two, but ALL

TWELVE major strategies you need to fix your broken ads and get results.

(Ad)lantis... the only affordable ads solution that contains not one, not two, but ALL TWELVE major strategies you need to fix your broken ads and get results.

"Within the week of implementing new strategies"

Success With Facebook™ Ads Sounds Like a Dream …


So Why Do Your Ads Feel More Like a Nightmare?

Any successful entrepreneur can tell you: When it comes to running a successful business, your two most VALUABLE assets are ...

That’s why you were SO excited to start running Facebook™ ads!

You recognized how powerful great ads could be for your marketing … and that with a little luck (aka strategy), they might provide a golden opportunity to turn a little bit of effort and a little bit of cash into MASSIVE profits.

But it’s not as simple as it seems.


You created (or paid someone else to create) beautiful graphics, witty copy, and a snazzy landing page …


You took the time to carefully select your audience, do all the research and consider your targeting.


Maybe you even hauled in the big guns and hired an agency or paid for a costly course to tackle your ads for you.

You hit “PUBLISH” and felt SO confident that wild success was at your fingertips.

And then … they flopped. 

Not just one ad campaign. All of them. And you had no idea why.

So you went back to the drawing board. You spent countless hours and dollars testing new ideas, hiring new “experts,” hoping one day you’d wake up to discover that you’d struck gold.

But it never happened.  

You’re frustrated, overwhelmed, and maybe even a little bit embarrassed by the fact that your ads just WON’T convert the way other ads seem to. 

You’re frustrated, overwhelmed, and maybe even a little bit embarrassed by the fact that your ads just WON’T convert the way other ads seem to. 

You’ve spent so long staring at your Ads Manager, you’re surprised the screen isn’t embedded into your retinas.  

You’ve spent so long staring at your Ads Manager, you’re surprised the screen isn’t embedded into your retinas.   

You’re pretty sure that over the past few years, you’ve put more money in Zuck pocket than your own. 

You’re pretty sure that over the past few years, you’ve put more money in Zuck pocket than your own. 

If you feel like an ads failure, it’s not your fault—and you’re not alone.

The reality is that MOST business owners don’t understand how to use ads to their full advantage. 

As a result, the majority of online entrepreneurs fall into one of two camps...

1. Business Owners Who DIY Their Own Ads

People who DIY their ads tend to think that since they’ve seen lots of ads on their Facebook™ Page, they can easily figure out how to create their own successful ads.

Sometimes, DIY ad campaigns are perfectly average. Unfortunately, in today’s saturated online space, running an average ad campaign isn’t enough to be profitable.

At best, people in this camp break even. At worst, they waste hundreds (or—yikes—thousands!) of dollars driving lackluster ads toward all the wrong people.

2. Business Owners Who Outsource to Wrong People

Ads can be frustrating, and business owners would pay ANYONE to take their ads off their hands. So when some random “ads expert” comes along and promises to fix everything, they hand them over … without doing enough research to make sure their ‘expert’ is legit. 


Sometimes, these business owners get lucky. Their expert really is an expert or their expert makes some really good guesses!

More often, though, they get burnt BADLY. Their ads fail, they lose tons of money, and they wind up feeling jaded by the whole process.

"Results after implementing"

• Maybe that’s where you are right now. 

• Maybe you tried to DIY your ads and (let’s be honest) failed miserably.

• Maybe you got frustrated and put your trust in the wrong people.

• Maybe you’ve made these same mistakes more than once.


THIS is where the train really goes off the tracks … because desperate people do desperate things. Things like:


1. Throwing more MONEY at weak ad campaigns as if cash could fix your problem.

2. Creating TONS of new ads and unwittingly targeting them all at the wrong audience.

3. Developing SQUIRREL Syndrome: AKA jumping from one shiny object to the next, just hoping SOMETHING will magically spark ad success

4. COPYCATTING your competition’s ads … including all of their mistakes and blind guesses!

5. “TESTING” your ads for months on end—without any clue what you’re actually testing for (??).

You’re pretty sure you’ve tried literally every Facebook™ Ad solution known to man …

And you might be right.

But what if I told you there was a whole treasure trove of 

secret ad solutions you’ve missed?

Buried, lost, forgotten fixes that almost no business owner has had access to … until now?


Hi there—I’m Vidya Ravi, Owner & Ads Expert at Storybird Ads.

(Wondering why my name sounds familiar? You might know me as the woman who constantly gets tagged for ads advice in your Entrepreneurs Facebook™ groups. 😉)


I’m passionate about creating amazing Ad campaigns because over four years of running my own Ads agency, I’ve seen firsthand how powerful ads can be.


Every single month, we manage hundreds of thousands of spent in ad budgets. And every month, we get AMAZING results for clients across dozens of industries and niches.

Results like …


1. Up to 38x ROI on cold audience targeting.

2. 20x ROI for a client with NO funnels, NO list, and NO online presence

3. A Facebook™ Rep saying I “know more than they know” about running ads

(Yes, those are all real things that have happened. You can check my Facebook™ page for receipts!)

I’m not saying all that to brag … Rather, I’m saying it because I know there’s at least a 50/50 chance that you’re here after having been majorly burned by something ads-related …

Results like …


1. Up to 38x ROI on cold audience targeting.

2. 20x ROI for a client with NO funnels, NO list, and NO online presence

3. A Facebook™ Rep saying I “know more than they know” about running ads

(Yes, those are all real things that have happened. You can check my Facebook™ page for receipts!)

I’m not saying all that to brag … Rather, I’m saying it because I know there’s at least a 50/50 chance that you’re here after having been majorly burned by something ads-related …

And I want you to know, I’m here for you. I want that same level of wild success for YOUR business.

Which is why—after keeping my agency’s secret ad-fixing process under wraps all these years—I’ve finally decided to share our discoveries with the world ...

As Seen On...

You CAN Create High-Converting Ads,

Without Spending Thousands on Outsourcing & Testing.

Imagine What it Would Be Like to….

Open Up Your Ads Manager Report & See Nothing But Green.

Open Up Your Ads Manager Report & See Nothing But Green.
Make A Few Thousand (Or More!) Bucks During A Pre-Launch. 
Make A Few Thousand (Or More!) Bucks During A Pre-Launch. 

Have To End A Campaign Early … Because You Were Making More Sales Than You Could Realistically Fulfill. 

Have To End A Campaign Early … Because You Were Making More Sales Than You Could Realistically Fulfill. 

These aren’t fantasies. These are the kinds of experiences Storybird Ads’ clients enjoy on a regular basis.

And now, YOU have the opportunity to get results like that with YOUR Facebook™ Ads, too.



I purchased ADlantis recently and it was incredibly useful for my online business. With rising ad costs, I needed to figure out a way to get my Facebook ad cost down. ADlantis GREATLY helped reduce my ads cost & help me scale ALL WITHIN A WEEK, and I’m forever grateful! 

 - Elaine
Introducing …

Open Up Our Vault & Get Instant Access to EVERYTHING You Need to Know to FINALLY Fix Your Facebook™ Ads!

What Secrets Wait For You in Ad(lantis) …

For years, hundreds of different coaches, courses, and ad specialists have made guesses at “the secret” behind Facebook™ Ads.

But the REAL secret?? The real secret is that there’s no ONE thing that can reliably fix your ads.


"Lost with FB ads? Storybird Ads helped us find our voice and skyrocket sales!"

"Storybird Ads helped us find our voice.  We knew how to create amazing online courses, we had a solid funnel in place, but we were LOST when it came to running ads on social media.  Everything we ran ourselves didn't represent who we are and fell completely flat.  But it was like Storybird Ads reached into our brains and knew exactly what we wanted to say and then created the amazing graphics & copy to custom fit our brand. We went from selling 1 or 2 courses a week to selling 5 or 6 courses a day!  That includes our higher ticket advanced course.  If you're ready to find your voice and hand the burden off to someone else, know that you're in good hands with Vidya."

 - OH My Word



I was struggling to make 10 sales a month with my business. And on a good month, I was making about 2K in revenue.

In one month, Vidya and I have done almost 18K in course sales with just 1.5K in ad spend. My life is completely changed.”


One fix might keep your ads from crashing and burning.

One really good hack might even lead to a little extra money in the bank.

One fix might keep your ads from crashing and burning.

One really good hack might even lead to a little extra money in the bank.

But a truly successful ad campaign is the product of MANY smart choices, all working together like cogs in a wheel to produce one seamless, strategic experience.

And if one tiny thing is off … the whole machine will eventually break down.


"Within the week of implementing the new strategies"
Here's where you officially announce your offer on this page. This is the big reveal. 
Show off your product or program, and present in a sentence or two, exactly what you're offering (and bonus points if you can add a metric). Sed efficitur eros in ligula tincidunt, id efficitur ex finibus. Morbi congue orci eu sapien consectetur, non sodales sem consectetur. Curabitur dictum tellus enim.

9-step Training Program

X Number of days to completion

Sample Bullet goes here for space

Sample Bullet goes here for space

what's included
This course is jam-packed with video trainings, examples, screenshots, slides, and charts that cover everything you could ever want to know about …









In our first module, we’ll cover some of the basic information you’ll need to succeed in the rest of this course. We’ll talk a little bit about pixels, custom conversions, targeting types, the Facebook™ Ads Manager … and that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Even if you’re a total ads newbie, this module will get you set up to run your ads like a pro.

Over the past four years, I’ve learned that while no two ad accounts are exactly the same, a LOT of business owners make very similar mistakes. In this module, I’ll walk you through some of the most frequent errors I’ve seen—and I’ll share simple, actionable solutions to help you start improving your ads ASAP.

Monitoring pixels might sound intimidating, but in this section, I’ll walk you through my easy process for determining whether your pixel is firing as it should be. I’ll show you a basic process to check on whether your pixel is working, and I’ll share my favorite fixes for the most common pixel issues.







Hot tip: Bad targeting is the culprit behind most of the world’s ad problems. You can spend months perfecting your ad creatives, but if the targeting is wrong, your ad campaign is toast. TARGETING ISSUES is all about identifying, creating, and communicating with the right audiences, so your ads will have the highest possible likelihood of resonating and converting.

It’s common sense: A warm lead is more likely to buy than a cold lead. But when it comes to warming up your cold audience, there’s a right way to do it … and a few very, very wrong ways. In this section, I’ll share some of my best strategies for warming up audiences in a way that builds connections and encourages conversions.

When you think about creating ads, I bet your brain doesn’t immediately think about an auction … But actually, the bidding process is one of the most exciting components of running ads! I’ll show you how to approach bidding with strategy, win leads, and get conversions.


CBO Strategies




One of the most common questions people ask me about managing their Facebook ads is whether CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization) or ABO (Ad Set Budget Optimization) is better. In this section, we’ll finally get down to the bottom of that question! I’ll tell you a little bit about why I personally prefer CBO and walk you through some of my favorite CBO strategies.

It’s easy to go crazy with testing … But when you approach testing with a proven strategy, it can become one of your most valuable tools! Here, I’ll explain some of my favorite ways to test ads, some amazing strategies for scaling your ads, and how to tell whether you should keep testing or start scaling based on your results.

​...and much more!
what's included
This course is jam-packed with video trainings, examples, screenshots, slides, and charts that cover everything you could ever want to know about …



In our first module, we’ll cover some of the basic information you’ll need to succeed in the rest of this course. We’ll talk a little bit about pixels, custom conversions, targeting types, the Facebook™ Ads Manager … and that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Even if you’re a total ads newbie, this module will get you set up to run your ads like a pro.



Over the past four years, I’ve learned that while no two ad accounts are exactly the same, a LOT of business owners make very similar mistakes. In this module, I’ll walk you through some of the most frequent errors I’ve seen—and I’ll share simple, actionable solutions to help you start improving your ads ASAP.




Monitoring pixels might sound intimidating, but in this section, I’ll walk you through my easy process for determining whether your pixel is firing as it should be. I’ll show you a basic process to check on whether your pixel is working, and I’ll share my favorite fixes for the most common pixel issues.



Hot tip: Bad targeting is the culprit behind most of the world’s ad problems. You can spend months perfecting your ad creatives, but if the targeting is wrong, your ad campaign is toast. TARGETING ISSUES is all about identifying, creating, and communicating with the right audiences, so your ads will have the highest possible likelihood of resonating and converting.



It’s common sense: A warm lead is more likely to buy than a cold lead. But when it comes to warming up your cold audience, there’s a right way to do it … and a few very, very wrong ways. In this section, I’ll share some of my best strategies for warming up audiences in a way that builds connections and encourages conversions.



When you think about creating ads, I bet your brain doesn’t immediately think about an auction … But actually, the bidding process is one of the most exciting components of running ads! I’ll show you how to approach bidding with strategy, win leads, and get conversions.


CBO Strategies

One of the most common questions people ask me about managing their Facebook ads is whether CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization) or ABO (Ad Set Budget Optimization) is better. In this section, we’ll finally get down to the bottom of that question! I’ll tell you a little bit about why I personally prefer CBO and walk you through some of my favorite CBO strategies.




It’s easy to go crazy with testing … But when you approach testing with a proven strategy, it can become one of your most valuable tools! Here, I’ll explain some of my favorite ways to test ads, some amazing strategies for scaling your ads, and how to tell whether you should keep testing or start scaling based on your results.

​...and much more!

In our first module, we’ll cover some of the basic information you’ll need to succeed in the rest of this course. We’ll talk a little bit about pixels, custom conversions, targeting types, the Facebook™ Ads Manager … and that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Even if you’re a total ads newbie, this module will get you set up to run your ads like a pro.



Over the past four years, I’ve learned that while no two ad accounts are exactly the same, a LOT of business owners make very similar mistakes.

In this module, I’ll walk you through some of the most frequent errors I’ve seen—and I’ll share simple, actionable solutions to help you start improving your ads ASAP.



Monitoring pixels might sound intimidating, but in this section, I’ll walk you through my easy process for determining whether your pixel is firing as it should be. I’ll show you a basic process to check on whether your pixel is working, and I’ll share my favorite fixes for the most common pixel issues.


It’s Not Your Fault That Your Ads Haven’t Been Performing.

You haven’t had all the information you need to REALLY succeed. 

It’s Not Your Fault That Your Ads Haven’t Been Performing.

You haven’t had all the information you need to REALLY succeed. 



(Ad)lantis Will Reveal the Missing Pieces You’ve Been Looking For …


Save HOURS of Time 

Avoid Disapprovals 

Calculate Your Spend & ROAS … BEFORE You Start Spending

Break the Feast or Famine Cycle

Boost Your Visibility

Understand What’s Working & WHY

Stop Testing & Start Selling

PLUS, as a thank you for trusting me, I’m throwing in a few of my highest-value BONUS TOOLS that will make it even EASIER to fix your ads …
How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training
Get your campaign back on track ASAP! If your ad costs are still going up even after you’ve checked and solved everything, this simple training will help you find the easiest and fastest way to fix it.
How to Fix Your Facebook Ads Mindmap
Called a “complete game changer” by those who used it, the Facebook Ads Mindmap is a visual representation of the entire course. Identify your problem on the Mindmap, follow the paths, find out what’s wrong and how to fix it. It doesn’t get easier than this.
Facebook Ad Spend Calculator
Conversion rates, ad spend, average cost per sale. Reading about all these figures can make your head spin, and calculating them is even harder. But with the Facebook Ad Spend Calculator, you simply type in your figures and get the right answers. Practical, right?
Master Scaling Audience Sheet
Maximize the results of your top-performing ads and drive more leads into your funnel with the Scaling Audience Sheet. Create efficient lookalike audiences, target new audiences, and segment your audience with confidence.
ROAS Forecast Calculator
ROAS is so much more than a fancy acronym. Return on Ad Spend is one of the most important vanity metrics because you can use it to measure a campaign’s success. The ROAS Forecast Calculator helps you determine whether you should macro optimize, micro optimize, or do a bit of both to increase your sales.

Ad Account Safety Manual
Keep your account healthy with the Ad Account Safety Manual. My safety strategies, Ad Creative Checklist, and the Landing Page Checklist will help you keep Facebook’s bots happy and your ads running.

PLUS, Don’t Miss These Incredible Bonuses!

As a thank you for trusting me, I’m throwing in a few of my highest-value BONUS TOOLS that will make it even EASIER to fix your ads …



Get your campaign back on track ASAP! If your ad costs are still going up even after you’ve checked and solved everything, this training will help you find the one thing that you missed and the way to fix it. Let’s check what your negative feedback is! You would be surprised..


Called a “complete game changer” by those who used it, the Facebook™ Ads Mindmap is a visual representation of the entire course. Identify your problem on the Mindmap, follow the paths, find out what’s wrong and how to fix it. It doesn’t get easier than this.


Conversion rates, ad spend, average cost per sale. Reading about all these figures can make your head spin, and calculating them is even harder. But with the Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator, you simply type in your figures and get the right answers. Practical, right?



Maximize the results of your top-performing ads and drive more leads into your funnel with the Scaling Audience Sheet. Create efficient lookalike audiences, target new audiences, and segment your audience with confidence.


ROAS is so much more than a fancy acronym. Return on Ad Spend is one of the most important vanity metrics because you can use it to measure a campaign’s success. The ROAS Forecast Calculator helps you determine whether you should macro optimize, micro optimize, or do a bit of both to increase your sales.


Keep your account healthy with the Ad Account Safety Manual. My safety strategies, Ad Creative Checklist, and the Landing Page Checklist will help you keep Facebook’s bots happy and your ads running.



Maximize the results of your top-performing ads and drive more leads into your funnel with the Scaling Audience Sheet. Create efficient lookalike audiences, target new audiences, and segment your audience with confidence.


The ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) Forecast Calculator helps you see exactly where your account is and determine whether you should macro optimize, micro optimize, or do a bit of both to increase your sales.

PLUS, Don’t Miss These Incredible Bonuses!

As a thank you for trusting me, I’m throwing in a few of my highest-value BONUS TOOLS that will make it even EASIER to fix your ads …


Get your campaign back on track ASAP! If your ad costs are still going up even after you’ve checked and solved everything, this training will help you find the one thing that you missed and the way to fix it. Let’s check what your negative feedback is! You would be surprised..



Called a “complete game changer” by those who used it, the Facebook™ Ads Mindmap is a visual representation of the entire course. Identify your problem on the Mindmap, follow the paths, find out what’s wrong and how to fix it. It doesn’t get easier than this.



Conversion rates, ad spend, average cost per sale. Reading about all these figures can make your head spin, and calculating them is even harder. But with the Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator, you simply type in your figures and get the right answers. Practical, right?



Maximize the results of your top-performing ads and drive more leads into your funnel with the Scaling Audience Sheet. Create efficient lookalike audiences, target new audiences, and segment your audience with confidence.


ROAS is so much more than a fancy acronym. Return on Ad Spend is one of the most important vanity metrics because you can use it to measure a campaign’s success. The ROAS Forecast Calculator helps you determine whether you should macro optimize, micro optimize, or do a bit of both to increase your sales.


Keep your account healthy with the Ad Account Safety Manual. My safety strategies, Ad Creative Checklist, and the Landing Page Checklist will help you keep Facebook’s bots happy and your ads running.



Maximize the results of your top-performing ads and drive more leads into your funnel with the Scaling Audience Sheet. Create efficient lookalike audiences, target new audiences, and segment your audience with confidence.



The ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) Forecast Calculator helps you see exactly where your account is and determine whether you should macro optimize, micro optimize, or do a bit of both to increase your sales.

The Hidden Secrets to Fixing Your Ads

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass ($397)

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training ($47)

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap ($297)

Master Scaling Audience Sheet ($47)

ROAS Forecast Calculator ($47)

Facebook™ Ad Spend

Calculator ($47)

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass ..............................(Valued at $497)

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training ...................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap ..............................(Valued at $297)

BONUS: Master Scaling Audience Sheet ......................................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: ROAS Forecast Calculator ................................................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator ...................................................(Valued at $97)

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass .....................(Valued at $497)

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training ...................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap ..................(Valued at $297)

BONUS: Master Scaling Audience Sheet ....................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: ROAS Forecast Calculator ................................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator ...........................(Valued at $97)

  How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass

✓  How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training 

✓   How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap 

✓  Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator 

✓  Master Scaling Audience Sheet 

ROAS Forecast Calculator 

  Landing Page Checklist

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass

Master Scaling Audience Sheet

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training 

ROAS Forecast Calculator

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap

Landing Page Checklist

Facebook™ Ad Spend


TOTAL Value = $1182

Regular Value = $297

Yours Today For Just $37!


"Vidya's expertise turned my failed offer into a $2k success"

I came to Vidya because I had tried to sell a $97 offer to a cold audience for months without any success. I’d spent a lot of money on something that had not worked and I was feeling pretty discouraged. I wasn’t sure if it was my ads, my funnel or my offer that had failed. She took one look at what I had been trying to sell and within minutes, said,

“This offer is only for your warm audience. They know you, they like you, they trust you. That’s why they bought it. It’s a no brainer for them. But cold traffic has no clue who you are, so they will never buy this. This won’t convert through ads.”

She pointed out issues with the offer, the funnel, the tech, the check out page and more. The crazy part is, I had had several other experts give me their suggestions on what to change, but Vidya KNEW exactly what needed to be done differently.

So we got to work. Over the course of a couple months, her and her team helped me create an offer and a SLO funnel. She walked me through every step from how to structure the offer, what to call it, back end set up, what the assets should be and so much more. I remember getting my copy back from her team and crying. It was SO me, and even better, it would connect with a cold audience.

Vidya is kind, she listens, she answers all your stupid questions, she genuinely cares about you and your people AND…. ...She knows how funnels and ads and offers need to work together. I don’t know anyone else who has this kind of combined expertise.

We launched 48 hours ago and I’ve already made $2,000. I can’t wait to run ads and see what more we can do together.

- Beck Keen

Before you scroll past, there’s something I should tell you: A lot of people think I’m absolutely insane for opening up my vault of secrets for such a crazy-low price.

But I know what I’m doing. I’m a Facebook™ Ads strategist and not to toot my own horn (toot toot), but I’m really, really good at what I do.


Once I get the ball rolling on something, I can scale it up like nobody’s business.

And I fully plan to scale this program.

And I fully plan to scale this program.

What does that mean for you?

It means that eventually, the price for this training WILL go up.

As someone who has worked in this industry for years, has managed millions of dollars in ad spend, and has gotten mindblowing results time and time again, I know how amazingly valuable this course is going to be for your business.

People are already paying me thousands of dollars to implement everything that I’m taking the time to teach you here.

An opportunity this good (and at this price!) doesn’t come around twice. If you want in on this deal, you need to sign up now!


You have to take enough risks to grow a successful business. Joining a course shouldn’t be one of them.

Try out the training for 14 days, and if you’re not happy, I’ll refund your entire purchase.

No questions asked.

No feelings hurt.

I won’t take it personally. Promise!

I don’t want the fear of losing money to get in the way of your business growth. Plus, I’m confident that this course is going to be a game-changer for you.


I know it can be hard to trust the ads process if you’ve been burned before …

...But unless you try something new, nothing will ever change.

Remember: Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

You CANNOT lose! So, get in NOW before the price goes up!

The Hidden Secrets to Fixing Your Ads

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass ..............................(Valued at $497)

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training ...................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap ..............................(Valued at $297)

BONUS: Master Scaling Audience Sheet ......................................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: ROAS Forecast Calculator ................................................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator ...................................................(Valued at $97)

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass .....................(Valued at $497)

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training ...................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap ..................(Valued at $297)

BONUS: Master Scaling Audience Sheet ....................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: ROAS Forecast Calculator ................................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator ...........................(Valued at $97)

  How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass

✓  How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training 

✓   How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap 

✓  Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator 

✓  Master Scaling Audience Sheet 

ROAS Forecast Calculator 

  Landing Page Checklist

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass

Master Scaling Audience Sheet

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training 

ROAS Forecast Calculator

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap

Landing Page Checklist

Facebook™ Ad Spend


TOTAL Value = $1182

REGULAR Value = $297

Yours Today For Just $37!

The Hidden Secrets to Fixing Your Ads

✓  How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass

✓  How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training 

  How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap 

✓  Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator

✓  Master Scaling Audience Sheet 

✓  ROAS Forecast Calculator 

✓  Landing Page Checklist

Total Value = $929

Yours Today For Just $37!


“CTRS [Click Through Rates] ABOVE 8% FOR COLD AUDIENCE”

I have been in the online space for a while, and I choose my team carefully, as I’m always thinking long term. I contacted Vidya having watched the results that she gets for her clients, and I was immediately impressed. I initially enquired about Facebook adverts, but after our conversation, I decided to give her the build of my funnel too. The experience has been brilliant throughout - from her systems (which I think she should sell to!!) to her guidance and patience. It’s evident that she genuinely cares about her clients.

One of the things that I was most impressed with is the attention to detail in the funnel. Vidya and her team integrated my brand colours in to the funnel without me asking. They captured my brand voice in the copy (I write, so I’m very fussy about copy).

Vidya and her team don’t just build you a funnel - they build you a bespoke system and they tell you what you need to do every step of the way. Their processes are designed to bring out your knowledge - the brilliant results that you get for your clients that you sometimes take for granted, and they take care of the rest. I know I will be working with them for a long time. Total pleasure to work with, and nice people too!

- Haddy

frequently asked questions

Who is this course for?

This course is for small business owners, bloggers, influencers, and digital marketing professionals who want to create profitable Facebook™ marketing and retargeting campaigns.

Do Facebook™ ads still work?

Yes! Facebook™ ads are effective when done well. Most people who fail with Facebook™ ads either don’t know how to set them up properly or have other issues related to product-market fit, on-site conversion, weak offers, etc.

Can Facebook™ Ads beginners take this course?

Yes, you can use the course as a beginner. We’ll cover strategies that can help you grow from the ground up.

However, you should have Facebook™ Pixel installed on your website to get the most out of this training. I explain how to install Facebook™ Pixel inside the course, and I also explain how to fix the most common Facebook™ Pixel problems. 

Can I use this course for video ads? 

Yes, this course is designed to help you set up and run cost-effective ads, whether they’re long-form ads, short-form ads, or video ads.

I started using ads but have no idea if they work or not. Will this course help me find that out? 

This course will help you identify whether your ads are working or not, why they’re working or not, and how to fix or improve them. 

What’s the refund policy?

Try out the training for 14 days. If you’re not happy with it, I will refund your entire purchase.

Stop wasting time, money, and tears on Facebook™ Ad “fixes” that don’t



You CAN fix your ads, start connecting with the right audience, and

make a profit. 

I’ll show you how …

The Hidden Secrets to Fixing Your Ads

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass ..............................(Valued at $497)

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training ...................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap ..............................(Valued at $297)

BONUS: Master Scaling Audience Sheet ......................................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: ROAS Forecast Calculator ................................................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator ...................................................(Valued at $97)

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass .....................(Valued at $497)

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training ...................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap ..................(Valued at $297)

BONUS: Master Scaling Audience Sheet ....................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: ROAS Forecast Calculator ................................................(Valued at $97)

BONUS: Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator ...........................(Valued at $97)

  How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass

✓  How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training 

✓   How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap 

✓  Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator 

✓  Master Scaling Audience Sheet 

ROAS Forecast Calculator 

  Landing Page Checklist

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass

Master Scaling Audience Sheet

How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training 

ROAS Forecast Calculator

How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap

Landing Page Checklist

Facebook™ Ad Spend


TOTAL Value = $1182

REGULAR Value = $297

Yours Today For Just $37!

The Hidden Secrets to Fixing Your Ads

✓  How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Video Masterclass

✓  How to Check Negative Feedback Video Training 

✓  How to Fix Your Facebook™ Ads Mindmap 

✓  Facebook™ Ad Spend Calculator

✓  Master Scaling Audience Sheet 

✓  ROAS Forecast Calculator 

✓  Landing Page Checklist

Total Value = $929

Yours Today For Just $37!

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DISCLAIMER: The results stated above are my personal results. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of having 10+ years of experience. The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors... including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.